Relics of Avabur Wikia

Here you can find all the known formulas and rates that is present in the game.

Health Points []

floor(8.5 * health * (level0.84) + 65)[]

  • health - your health stat number
  • level - your current level (not harvest level)
  • floor - i.e. round down to the nearest whole number

Req. XP (Harvesting) []

5.28 * (level ^ 2) + 188.5 * level + 21[]

  • level - your current harvesting level
  • This formula should be correct, ±15XP (only tested for LV26 and below).

Quest Rewards (Gold) []

floor(100 * quest1.85)[]

  • quest - your current quest level
  • floor - i.e. round down to the nearest whole number

Stamina Cost[]


  • SW (Stamina Wanted) - Amount of stamina to be added
  • SC (Stamina Current) - Amount of stamina you currently have now